Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Spicy Honeyed Nuts keep us healthy

It is that time of year again. The winter sets in, the snow arrives and with it comes everyone being cooped up together and the germs and scenes that comes with it.  My big boys are in public school this year after being home last year and we are being hit hard by the bugs.  While I was working on this post I was called to the school to pick up my oldest and it has been down hill from there...

And this brings me to this great timing post as I am looking for ways to maintain our immune systems and keep us healthy and happy.  And what better to do this then to add things we enjoy already but with ingredients that work to support good immune function and overall health.
 I tried the recipe for Spicy Honeyed Nuts from Loblaws.ca and am happy to report they were a be hit, and a great addition to the holiday table! Not only that they packed full of all the great benifits of almonds , but with the spices and honey in them it is sure to help keep us healthy.  But the best part is they are delicious and the kids even loved them!  I love to find sneaky ways to get in the good stuff and this recipe is great!

Mine didn't quite look the same as theirs as we omitted the sesame seeds as they are not a favourite here but they were a big hit!

Find this and other great recipes at

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