Most men love meat, and therefore Jerky! And mine is no exception. So while trying to come up with a great gift idea for Christmas this year I came to one of his favourite snacks

We are a Jerky loving household and love the traditional, Teriyaki and spicy flavors of beef jerky but I have to admit we hadn't tried the pork jerky yet, and I'd love to try turkey jerky (mostly cause it's so fun to say, Turkey Jerky! Hehe). Plus McSweenys jerky is proudly made in Canada, is Gluten free, full of protein and they use only high quality meat which makes for a delicious product.
I love the texture of McSweenys! Soft and tender, full of flavor and still sheet!
Perfect Jerky!
McSweenys is a Canadian company that prides itself on producing a quality product that any Jerky lover is bound to enjoy. If you needed one more reason to choose McSweenys...they are a big supporter of KidSport and help to make sure all kids can participate in sports!
Find McSweeneys at many local retailers and online at
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