Did you know that many of childrens struggles at school could be caused by problems with their vision? Imagine trying to see the smart board (yep that's right...smart board...no more blackboards in school these days!)
but not being able to..how are you going to be able to do the work if you can't see what is being taught. This offend creates all kinds of problems as the child that can't see often gets bored or distracted easily and ends up disrupting the class or falls behind.
but not being able to..how are you going to be able to do the work if you can't see what is being taught. This offend creates all kinds of problems as the child that can't see often gets bored or distracted easily and ends up disrupting the class or falls behind.
According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, one in four school-aged children has a vision problem. While we know vision is linked to learning – many Canadian children have never had an eye exam.

The Real Canadian Superstore Centers wants to make sure that all children are able to have their eyes checked and are provided with glasses if they are needed and they have started a great new program called Kids See Free. The program was set up,to encourage parents to get their children's eyes check and provides free glasses (up to $79 value) if your child needs them...that's right folks..FREE GLASSESS!!
The Real Canadian Superstores Optical Centres are putting the right lens on learning with the Kids See Free Program. This program, available at any Optical Department located in Loblaws, Real Canadian Superstore, Zehrs, Fortinos and Your Independent Grocery locations, ensures children ages 4-10 years receive free eyeglasses up to $79.00. This program is now entering its fifth year and has already delivered more than 5,000 pairs of glasses to Canadian kids.
What a great program!! And one that so many families including mine can benefit from!

I went in with my oldest son and his recent prescription (must be from within the last 90 days) and was able to pick a pair of glasses for him free of charge! You can also have your eyes checked on site by an optometrist and make it a very convent one stop shop! You are able to choose any pair of glasses and up to $79 is included and the glasses come with Polycarbonate lenses included and you can add extra lense coating if you choose like scratch resistance. The program includes children aged 4- 10 which I love as my oldest is 7 and it catches kids at the perfect time to get them started on their schooling with the best.
Make an appointment for your child to get their vision tests today and take advantage of this great program!
Find A location of The Real Canadian Superstore Optical Center near you by using his link.
the Real Canadian Superstore Center
Thanks for the tip!