If you are a parent, especially if you have more then one child you will, learn that you go through a LOT of clothing, and all those cute little outfits that you just need to have usually come with multiple pieces. I personally absolutely love the look of the layered outfits, but have to admit that the sweet little jeans, shirt and vest outfit that I was so in love with for my oldest son now has worn pants and shirt and a brand new only been worn once vest cause well you just don't grab the extra accessory pieces when you are running with multiple kids, or you can't find it!

This is why I was so in love when I found a company in Calgary that makes the cutest baby clothes ever, and they are all one piece! From top to bottom Joined at The Hip has the entire outfit joined together so pieces don't get lost or not used. It is a complete outfit! No more searching for all the pieces, I especially love the jogging outfit for the diaper bag! Super cute warm and cozy and all together! No more searching the diaper bag for three different pieces! The dress has the tights sewn right in with a snap at the back to avoid the dress slipping up, the jogger set is all sewn together as one comfy outfit and the shorts outfit is you guessed it all attached! You get the sweet look without the hassle of putting multiple clothing pieces on a busy wanting to go baby! HUGE bonus!

I could not pick one outfit that I loved the most as they are all so so sweet! I'd have to go with the dresses if I HAD to choose but I think that's mostly because baby girl is the only girl after my four boys and I'm a tad bit biased by girly clothing lol.
My only complaint with the jogger outfit was the head hole was a bit small but Miranda from Joined at the Hip told me that they had a new design coming out that would elevate this problem. I also had a snap fall off but am happy to report that not only does Joined at the Hip offer cute clothes they also offer exceptional service and had a replacement shipped out immediately!
I am so in love with our Joined at the Hip outfits and know you will love them too! Check out Joined at the Hip for these and more great one piece outfits for girls and boys!! So cute!
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