I recently received the Ingenuity by Bright Starts Easy Wash Playard to review and had to tell you that as a mom of soon to be four I am THRILLED that they made this product!!! To truly understand the benefits of a washable playard you have to know that you can not wash the old playards..well you can take a bucket and cloth and wipe them down but try doing that to get poop or puke out of all the little spots! Yes i know gross but if you are a parent you've been there and if not just you wait!!!
I tried to take a picture of our old rather disgusting playard so you could see what happens but couldn't get the gross to show as much as it is there so I'll just say it is gross and I was it down on a semi regular basis! When you have kids you come to realize that EVERYTHING MUST BE WASHABLE!!
The smart smart must be parents and probably mothers over at Bright Starts came up with the best idea ever for playards! They came up with the Ingenuity by Bright Starts Easy Wash Playard! YES!! Washable!!! Every part of material comes off and can be thrown into your washing machine! yes the mesh sides! Yes the bottom matt!!!! YES!!!! the whole thing comes right off the frame by simply unzipping and unstrapping and poof you have a pile of laundry and an empty frame!! It also includes the bassinet feature, a movable change table and a toy bar!
I recommend the Ingenuity by Bright Starts Easy Wash Playard to any new or heck old parent and would even add to the MUST have list if your purchasing a playard!!
Check out the Ingenuity by Bright Starts Easy Wash Playard on the Website, Facebook and they are available at Babies R Us
This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and InGenuity. I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine."
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